Friday, March 21, 2008

Older women strikes!

ST, March 14, 2008

Tycoon's wife charged with slapping SIA girl.

woohoo! can we say this is a tabloid, or gossips women would gather together to discuss and curse the old wife of tycoon's? (yes, another schema for women being the nose parker.)
Automatic thinking comes along when the accessibility( ease which schemas can be brought to mind easily) of women being nosy, full of jealous, and overbearing are easy to surface on our minds. NOw with this news paper article, it primes and therefore triggers us to think deeper, whether our concept of women is really that unchangeable? Is women in our mind that bad an image!?
THere may be exceptions where some women are really nice and not bear grudges against those who hurt them, but i guess social psychology let me understand one thing. Although sexism is no longer that prominent, the stereotype that we had before might somehow influence how we think. Implicit intergroup bias, the distorted judgements about members of a group based on a stereotype, which can occur without the person's awareness, explains what i meant.
It could be the evolution theory that affects us. What was held steadfast would still exist in the modern society now. Examples would be women are still weaker than man, african-americans are still biased against as compared to the whites and etc.
The article says this, which contribute even more to the implicit intergroup biasness:
'Tan Siew Hoon, 61, was taken to court a week after she settled a civil claim by Ms Then Jiamin, 25, with an unspecified payout.'
obviously, the age element stated in the newspaper triggered the available heuristic in people that old women had some grudges against younger and prettier women.
It may be true that older women are 'jealous' of those pretty girls but havent it occur to us that those old women had their glorious times before?! They were those pretty girls in "da club" before.
That somehow triggered my available heuristics about older women being barred from going into the clubs. haha..yes those people must be's disgusting for old women tobe in,but for that case...i stand by with the older women.

However, after thinking 'socialogically', We cant blame 61 yr old Tan because she was feeling insecure. Though she could inherit the large amount of money from the tycoon husband, i guess ultimately, women would love the feeling of being attended to.
" she also claimed that after the alleged assault, Tan asked her loudly: ' why are you talking to my husband?'"

That double confirms that she's 'jealous' because she's scared that her husband, like all typical men, would succumb to beauty.

However, we should sympathise women in general because beauty is short-lived.
Below is how she looks to how to interpret her case depends on how u look and listen.

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